Without Fear Or Favour
When Thomas Stege Boyer, our founding editor, started the original Denimhunters, it was a hobby-blog where he could discuss the denim products, accessories and footwear that he loved the most. As well as being great fun, this also brought some real benefits: he began to meet loads of great people and then a few free samples started coming his way.
Thomas is doing his own thing now and we have moved on but, in some ways, things are much the same as they have always been. Manufacturers are keener than ever to get their product under our noses in the hope of a favourable review.
However, all our product reviews as well as news updates are unbiased and not a penny changes hands unless it is clearly flagged as a promoted content. Even then, we knock back more than we accept. It is the editorial policy here and we are hard and fast about that. Perhaps we should have been louder about that in the past so that is what this post is all about.
Quite simply, if a product gets the thumbs-up from us, we would like to think that you can rely on us to be giving an honest opinion.
On the other hand, if we see something and think that it is not up to the standards that our readers expect, then we either quietly let it drop or tactfully tell the manufacturer where we think things could be improved upon. We are simply not in the business of puffing poor-quality but neither do we go out of our way to denigrate anything – that’s what message boards, forums and social media are for.
We’re not alone in this. When was the last time you read a scathing critique in GQ or Vogue or in any other fashion outlet for that matter?
Road Tests
When you find something under the Product Review section, we’ve put the item through its paces. This means that we have received a sample and have lived with it for a period of time. Of course, it is a real privilege to wear some of the coolest, most beautifully-made products on the planet, but it is either that or we would have to set about parroting press releases about how fantastic the product is. That is simply not an option for us.
However, since we don’t have enough hours in the week to road test all the products we are offered (and want to feature), we also have a Product News section. What you find here we have usually not lived with (yet), but based on the merits of the maker we will feel confident that the product will live up to the praises of the press release. Importantly, a product news piece will generally speaking not go into detail with the benefits of whatever the features of the products are. On the contrary, a product review will always do so.
Again, it is all a matter of earning your trust. Yes, we have had a freebie but, no, we haven’t taken payment for the review. Furthermore, if that review has made it on to the site, it is guaranteed to be one of those which haven’t quietly dropped.
Paying The Bills
Whilst we don’t accept payment for editorial coverage, we also don’t fluff our advertisers’ product for fear of not keeping them on-side. Our responsibility to our commercial partners is to deliver them a high-quality, engaged and committed audience, and that is why they come back to us, time and again. All that hard work makes far more sense in the long-term than a few quick wins.
Rope Dye Store
All our brands have been invited to partner with us and, of course, we say nice things about them. And that is because our store is a carefully-curated collection of products that we know at first-hand and which are made by people whom we like working with. Yes, we do make a small return for all our efforts (hey, beer isn’t free, you know) and to cover our costs (and neither are servers!) but, again it is in everybody’s interests for us to only endorse products that meet the highest standards; returns and unhappy customers make for bad business and a rubbish day at the office.
If you have any questions about our Editorial Policy or suggestions for improvement, go ahead and mail me directly!
Yours in indigo,
Matt Wilson