Rope Dye Crafted Goods

Two of the Denim City’s Greats come together to bring us hand-dyed Indigo Converse Chuck Taylors

Hand-Dyed Indigo Converse Chuck Taylors

Indigo-Dyed Chucks. First-World Problem Solved

I remember when I first got into denim and started trawling the blogs and forums for more info. One of the questions that came up far too often was, “how do I stop my new jeans turning my Cons blue?” There were some funny answers. Spraying the inside of your jeans with hairspray was the one which stuck in my mind. Happily, most of the answers were “man up and stop worrying about your shoes”.

However, the clever folks over at Tenue de Nîmes have another solution. Start with your All Stars blue. Introducing the hand-dyed Indigo Converse Chuck Taylor All Star ‘70s.


The Amsterdam Indigo Professor

Rene and Menno were helped out by the Amsterdam Indigo Professor, Celia Geraedts, (who you may recall did an indigo dying course that yours truly partook in a year or so ago). Celia uses natural indigo from India, preparing it herself in her atelier in Amsterdam.

The sneakers go into the dye up to four times to build up the full tone. After each dip, they are washed in water and vinegar to ensure that the shoes hold as much indigo as possible.

Unique, From the Get Go

Just like your jeans, you will be able to watch your All Stars grow and evolve with you over time. The natural indigo will fade into a beautifully soft, lighter tone with time and wear, and the hand dyed process means each and every shoe will be unique right from the start.

Each pair comes with a custom tote bag – also indigo-dyed – and a personal card from Celia explaining the process of bringing the Indigo Chuck Taylor All Star ‘70s to life.

Natural Indigo Dye for that Price, WOW!

They are exclusive to the Tenue de Nîmes stores in Amsterdam and will run you the very reasonable €129.90.

Watch Out!

On a personal note, if I see anything on the forums about their white jeans being dyed blue by their trainers, I will personally start a trolling campaign.

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