Rope Dye Crafted Goods

Layers of Denim: Jeans as Underwear

IMG_6317Ruedi Karrer is probably the single most knowledgable enthusiast and collector in the denim business. Since his childhood in the Swiss mountains of the early 70s when he had to share a single pair of Levi’s jeans with his siblings Ruedi has been crazy about denim. Piled up in his Jeans Museum in Zurich is an impressively massive collection of over 12,000 (!) denim items including around 7,000 pairs of jeans and somewhat 5,000 denim jackets. At the Bread & Butter trade show this winter Ruedi wore a pair of 23 oz. Strike Gold jeans that he has been wearing for about 18 months, an original Lee Rider jacket from the mid-60s that he has been wearing in himself from deadstock for about 6 years, and for underwear Ruedi sported a pair of beat-up Nudie jeans.







All of a sudden, Ruedi literally pulled down his jeans only to reveal the second pair he was wearing underneath.


IMG_6372Ruedi put in some solid wear of the jacket too.



You can read more about Ruedi and his Jeans Museum here.

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Mark Bardwell April 27, 2014 at 14:37

Wearing a old pair jeans as underwear is great I DO IT MOST OF THE TIME
I wear all my old Levis when totally worn out as underwear.also great breaking in new denim jeans over the top as get great feel of loved worn out ones as break in harden new denim.

swissjeansfreak March 4, 2015 at 10:29

Sounds so hardcore Mark. Whenever visiting Switzerland you have to stop at my place. Do you have any pics of your worn out items? Be sure to never ever throwing them away. Otherwise let me know before

Mark Bardwell March 4, 2015 at 16:31

still have every pair levis,right back since 1968.would not dream throwing any out. send you some photos soon

swissjeansfreak March 4, 2015 at 23:45

Mark yo a real hardest core raw denim lover. And I can feel your same raw denim love. I myself have also all my retired stuff since 1973
Email me at [email protected] for more infos about the little Jeansmuseum
Stay raw

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