Rope Dye Crafted Goods

Repairing your jeans: We showed you when, now we show you how!

darning jeans

There are a few ways you can repair your jeans that will not only guarantee their long life but will also make them look even better than before.

In the latest vlog, we take a close look at these repair methods so you can decide on what’s right for you and your beloved jeans.

Last time

If you remember in the last vlog, we took a look at how to spot potential areas of your jeans that were just about to have a blowout.


Blowouts are inevitable. It is when the fabric reaches a point where it has been so worn that the structure of the fabric simply falls apart. As inevitable as these are, we recommend taking care of these troubling spots before the blowout even occurs. It’s prevention rather than cure and can save a lot of time and money in the long run.

But how?

There are a number of ways to go about this. We take you through each one, showing you the results and discussing their advantages and potential disadvantage so you can decide what’s right for you.

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